Temporary & Off-Site Exhibits

Temporary and Off-Site Exhibits

As part of our operation, we maintain a temporary exhibit hall that changes theme every 6 months to a year, offering something new at regular intervals for return visits. We also periodically collaborate with our community partners to host off-site exhibits around the city and counties. This page provides information about our current and upcoming temporary exhibits as well as where to locate our off-site exhibits.

Cornwall Community Museum and Archives, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, St. Lawrence River, Temporary Exhibits, Cornwall Public Library

Temporary Exhibit – June 2025

The Fading of Incandescent Light – by Matthew Poburyny
The only constant in life is change. The same is true of our municipality, which has changed rather dramatically over the years, for better or worse. Our upcoming temporary exhibit, The Fading of Incandescent Light, by Matthew Poburyny, will feature a collection of contemporary photographs taken at strategically selected local historic viewpoints depicting the contemporary state of what used to be located at those respective locations. The contemporary photographs, accompanied by historic photographs of the same location or landmark, are meant to elicit strong feelings of reflection, not for the sake of lamenting the loss of what used to be, but rather to stimulate discussion on how best to commemorate our past in the face of change and loss. Join us in June 2025 to take part in the discussion!

Cornwall Community Museum and Archives, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, St. Lawrence River, Temporary Exhibits, Fading of Incandescent Light, Street View

Off-Site Exhibit

Compo Records – hosted at the Cornwall Public Library
The only constant in life is change. The same is true of our municipality, which has changed rather dramatically over the years, for better or worse. Our upcoming temporary exhibit, The Fading of Incandescent Light, by Matthew Poburyny, will feature a collection of contemporary photographs taken at strategically selected local historic viewpoints depicting the contemporary state of what used to be located at those respective locations. The contemporary photographs, accompanied by historic photographs of the same location or landmark, are meant to elicit strong feelings of reflection, not for the sake of lamenting the loss of what used to be, but rather to stimulate discussion on how best to commemorate our past in the face of change and loss. Join us in June 2025 to take part in the discussion!

Cornwall Community Museum and Archives, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, St. Lawrence River, Temporary Exhibits, Coimpo Records